Lack of timely access to behavioral health services
Limited behavioral health workforce and insufficient services prevent individuals from finding care when they need it
Community concerns for public safety
Residents and businesses are concerned about public safety impacts
Emergency services are stressed
Emergency services are overwhelmed and underlying problems remain.
Nationwide Effort
To observe best practice and consider specific priorities unique to our community, project team members have toured the following facilities with comparable programs:
Connections Health Solutions Crisis Response Center, Tucson AZ
Community Bridges Inc, Tucson AZ
Deschutes County Stabilization Center, Bend OR
Unity Center for Behavioral Health, Portland OR
Psychiatric Crisis Center, Salem OR
Phoenix Place, Klamath Falls OR
Link Access Center, Klamath Falls OR
Options for Southern Oregon Crisis Resolution Center, Grants Pass OR
Background Documents
SAMHSA’s 2020 National Guidelines for Behavioral Health Crisis Care
Best Practice Standard: Crisis Now Model
Launch of a national 24/7 Behavioral Health Crisis Line: To be implemented in Oregon as "988" By July 2022
Lane County’s Health and Human Services Strategic Plan for 2021-2024: Creation of a Stabilization Center by 2026 is essential for a complete continuum of care and 988 roll-out